Online seminars: Recordings

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"You are enough"
Tuesday Oct 22nd 2024
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This free sixty minute seminar will explore this whole territory of ‘Not good enough” Maybe you always feel not good enough in some way, or struggle with the painful feelings of worthlessness. Maybe you struggle with perfectionism? or always comparing yourself to others? This free seminar will explore how the practice of Focusing can help us to:

  • Meet all parts of ourselves with compassion and curiosity
  • Meet our inner critics and judges
  • Be with anything that feels worthless or not enough...

And we will discover perhaps that there is nothing wrong with you after all!
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Every part of you is on your side
Wednesday Aug 28th 2024
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This free webinar will explore the transformative truth of radical acceptance. This truth being that it's only when we meet and welcome all aspects of ourselves with curiosity, that change can really happen, the truth that every part of us can be welcomed and even has treasure - even what we usually label as ugly or egotistical. Through guided explorations , discussion and reflection we will explore:

  • Why everything inside needs welcoming
  • How to approach parts we don’t like
  • The paradox of how change happens
  • Practical tools to foster self compassion
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Befriending the inner critic
Thursday Jun 12th 2024
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This free seminar 60 minute online will share tools from Focusing to help us to meet and befriend our inner critic. We will discover how the inner critic comes into being and why it happens. Surprisingly, we will also discover that there is also great treasure to be found here
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Navigating Life
Tuesday February 20th 2024
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This free sixty minute seminar explores what I call "the inner compass" We will see how to listen to its guidance and wisdom. Some themes we will explore:

  • How to find this "inner knowing"
  • Working with decisions
  • Sensing life forward energy and more…
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Focusing and dreams
Thursday January 11th 2024
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This free sixty minute seminar explores how we can open to and understand the symbols that come in our dreams. We will see how we can take some of the tools and attitudes from Focusing to help unlock the message of our dreams
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Welcoming Grief
Thursday October 12th 2023
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This free sixty minute seminar explores the forgotten landscapes of grief - and how Focusing can bring a fresh and compassionate approach to navigate this difficult territory
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Find Freedom from tangles
Wednesday August 23rd 2023
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This free sixty minute seminar introduces us to some key skills to work with these kinds of territories in Focusing and our lives. We will introduce the main players in these tangles and share insights from Focusing that can help bring deep self compassion and gentle transformation to these often painful and limiting patterns.
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Finding belonging
Thursday March 30th 2023
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On this free seminar, we will explore how belonging can be found in maybe new and surprising ways: We will explore how when we open to everything inside - we us to create inner belonging, opening a space to all that has been exiled. We will explore what might hold us back from deeper connection to others? - welcoming anything that makes these connections hard. Finally we will touch on how belonging can be found through connection to nature and the cosmos.
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Stuck in your head
Tuesday March 28th 2023
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This free sixty minute seminar will introduce you to a profound new life skill - that can take us beneath these usual ways to a place of inner wisdom and deep understanding. Known as “Focusing”, this skill or practice is all about listening to this deeper knowing we all have, whilst at the same time offers a compassionate welcoming of every part of us, including all the self analysing and criticising! Focusing has many applications including activist/therapist self-care, personal growth and therapeutic work, and as a method for increasing presence and awareness while seeking transformation.
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The magic of the body's wisdom
Tuesday Aug 30th 2022
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Beneath our reactive thoughts and conflicted feelings is a place of deep knowing and wisdom. You may have glimpsed this in intuitive moments or dreams, but did you know there was an everyday way to access this wisdom? Your body!. This is your doorway. This 75 minute seminar shares two kinds of magic that Focusing brings. Includes two experiential explorations.
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How to lose it less with your kids
Thursday Mar 11th 2021
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On this free 60 minute seminar we will explore how Focusing can help us to find deeper connection with ourselves and with our children. We will explore central themes around:

  • Identifying and disentangling triggers.
  • The core need for empathic connection - both within and without.
  • Tools from connected parenting approaches that fit with Focusing.
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Treasure in dark places
Tuesday Feb 16th 2021
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For the last 15 years I have been using Focusing to explore the most stuck and difficult areas of my life (and still am!) Focusing has given me ways of being with these aspects of myself that have brought both freedom and deep compassion. This free seminar shares some of the gems of that journey. Based strongly on the work of Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin we touch on some of these themes and more:

  • Why everything inside needs welcoming
  • The map of a “tangled places”
  • The treasure that parts carry
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Welcoming grief together
Tuesday Feb 9th 2021
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How can we learn a new way to be with and welcome grief in a new (and yet old) way and how can the gifts of Focusing support us in this?

On this free webinar, we will explore these topics and more:

  • What our grief needs to flow and move through us
  • The many kinds of grief we are carrying in these times
  • How we might welcome grief together
  • How focusing could support us in the process
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Welcoming the exiles
Monday July 27th 2020
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So much of our energy and life force can be tied up in keeping things away. Whether it’s the grief we carry, or the “ugly” parts of us that we wish we didn’t feel, or the child we abandon to appear all sorted and ok. For so many reasons we have exiles - parts of us that live in the shadows, sometimes wreaking havoc in our life and also in their deepest being are longing to be met. All exiles want to be welcomed home.

This free 75 minute seminar explores:

  • Why we end up with exiles
  • What they feel like in our life and in Focusing or similar embodied practices
  • How we might meet them with curiosity and empathy
  • Why it’s essential to welcome them home.
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Untangling the knots
Freedom from compulsion, avoidance and resistance
Wednesday March 25th 2020
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Perhaps you are like me and binge watch netflix series… or endlessly avoid some difficulty or stuck are in your life? Or maybe you long to make a change but struggle to know how to start?

For the last 15 years I have been using Focusing to explore the most stuck and difficult areas of my life (and still am!) Focusing has given me ways of being with these aspects of myself that have brought both freedom and deep compassion. This free seminar will share some of the gems of that journey. Based strongly on the work of Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin we will touch on some of these themes and more:

  • Finding new ways to approach old familiar patterns
  • The map of a “tangle”
  • How to be bigger than all of your parts
  • 3 places of transformation
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How to stop living in your head!
Tuesday Jan 14th 2020
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What would it be like to find a way to stop living in your head… and listen to your heart or body? So many of us feel dominated and limited by anxious thoughts and overthinking issues, but trying to figure things out with our heads… and yet by doing this we lose touch with our deeper wisdom

This free 60 minute seminar shares some skills and insights from the embodied practice of “Focusing” which is in essence a deep and compassionate listening to our deeper, more bodily knowing.
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Radical Welcoming
Thursday Jan 10th 2020
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This free 60 minute online seminar shares some insights and practices from and embodied practice known as Focusing. At its core lies a truth that every part of can be welcomed and even has treasure - even what we usually label ugly or egotistical.
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What the body knows
Tuesday Sep 10th 2019
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The seminar will introduce you to the astounding hidden knowledge of the body. When we speak about inner wisdom - what does that mean? How can we “get out of our head” and listen to our body? What lies beneath the surface and thoughts of daily life? How can we really contact our intuition?

We explore the many dimensions of this inner knowing we have… and its limitations. We explore how to access it and keep alive to it in our life. And we explore the many benefits of being more in touch with this dimension of knowing.
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Breaking Free
Tuesday July 9th 2019
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This free 75 minute seminar will open up the inner landscape of these stuck places, so we can finally learn how to free them up and break free.

We explore the root causes of patterns like addiction and procrastination and find out how to make friends with everything inside us that “stands in the way” of that journey - in fact we will discover there are no enemies inside of you - even in the most tangled areas of our lives.
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Befriending your “avoidance”
Thursday Mar 21st 2019
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We all suffer from this very human tendency to avoid difficult situations and feelings. We procrastinate, deny, distract and avoid, and then we give ourselves a hard time for doing this. And so the battle continues. It could be some conflict with a family member, or as big as the current ecological crisis. Something in us avoids it.

What if you had a way to get beneath the battle and completely change your experience of these areas of our life, what if you could be kind to those parts of you that turn away and make allies of them? What if you could learn to be curious about anything…

This free 60 minute seminar will introduce a new way of looking at, exploring and even transforming these stuck areas of our life.
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Transforming fear
Everyday tools to live a life beyond fear and anxiety
Tuesday Jan 15th 2019
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This free 60 minute online seminar will introduce a life long skill that can help transform feelings of fear and anxiety into allies and helpers.

We will learn that we can become bigger than what we are afraid of, and we need not be ruled by them. And we will see that the body has within it not just fear but courage and ability to know how to find freedom.
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Facing Ecological Crisis: Embodied skills to help us face ecological crisis
Wednesday Dec 6th 2018
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Our way of living is profoundly unsustainable and destroying our collective home - the earth. Climate chaos, biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, deforestation…and the very real possibility of extinction if we do not change our ways.

How can we even begin to face this without feeling overwhelmed ? What feelings and responses does knowing this bring in our body? How might we find a response that is creative, congruent and wholehearted?
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The hidden language of the body - Focusing and dreams:
Monday Sep 17th 2018
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What can dreams tell us about our life? How can Focusing help with understanding them? Might there be a way to explore them in a new way that brings clarity and change in our lives?
Includes a demonstration.
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The art of self kindness
Tuesday March 13th 2018
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This free seminar shares some gems from an embodied reflective practice known as "Focusing" This practice gives us a way to "be with" our feelings and emotions without being overwhelmed by them and opens up a path to radical self kindness, where we can welcome in and be curious about even the most difficult of experiences.
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Freedom from ego...
Thursday January 11th 2018
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The term "ego" is used in so many contexts, most often negatively, like something we should not have or work to get rid of. But is this useful or even true? Might there be a more compassionate way to relate to what we call "ego"..
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Freedom from self criticism:
Monday 6th Feb 2017
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Many of us are plagued and crippled by what we call our "inner critic" We ignore it, threaten it, shout at it... but does this really work? We may feel at war with ourselves or at worst self hatred. Can we find a new way to relate to this aspect of human experience? Can we find peace with ourselves.

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