The Way of Curiosity
Discovering wisdom through listening to the body

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Open this book, The Way of Curiosity, and you'll find yourself being welcomed into a world of compassion, acceptance, and possibility.

Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, author of The Radical Acceptance of Everything and co-author of Untangling: How You Can Transform What’s Impossibly Stuck

This beautifully-written book has a light touch, using concrete examples to show us how to add depth to daily life. More than a ‘how-to’ book, it’s written in a contemplative style accessible to anyone: novice, sophisticated professional, seeker, or sceptic. The reader gets the sense that this way of being is available even to them and waiting to be developed in a way that is uniquely their own.

Dr Greg Madison, is a UK existential psychologist, author, international lecturer, founder of the London Focusing Institute and host of the podcast The Living Process.

Find wisdom, answers and healing, right where you stand.

Are you stuck in your head, always worrying and looking out there for answers? Do you sense your body is trying to tell you something, but don’t know how to listen? Are you looking for a new way of living in the world, that brings fresh answers, deeper empathy and radical self acceptance? In this guide, you will:

  • Learn a step by step journey to access our inner wisdom or intuition
  • Learn how to meet any aspect of ourselves with empathy
  • Develop day to day skills to live from kindness and curiosity

The Way of Curiosity is a practical and inspirational guide to accessing and living from the wisdom of the body. It offers ways of navigating feelings and emotions, critical voices and finding the quieter hidden wisdom that we all carry. In essence, it offers a pathway to emotional healing, deep change, fresh answers to old problems and radical self compassion.
What readers are saying

“This book is a very authentic and available way into gaining a wise approach to life through listening to the body.”

“This book is alive. To move through the world in a focusing way is to welcome everything that arises.It is a beautiful chronicle and its power lies in the fact that the author is willing to be deeply vulnerable.”

“This is a book for anyone who wants to know and love themselves and others more deeply.”

"This is a warm-hearted, clear and insightful book that serves as a wonderful introduction to Focusing and is also a great reminder of the essence of Focusing for more experienced people.”

“The Way of Curiosity, offers the reader such a gift. Peter cuts away any confusing jargon or complicated theories and gets to the very heart of Focusing. No wasted words. No unnecessary filler content. And yet, this book feels open, broad, and expansive”

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