The landscapes of grief…
Honouring what the body knows

Online courses starts on
26th October 2022 10-12.15 UK time (Seven Wednesday mornings)

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"To alter the amnesia of our times, we must be willing to look into the face of the loss and keep it nearby. In this way, we may be able to honour the losses and live our lives as carriers of their unfinished stories. This is an ancient thought - how we tend the dead is as important as how we tend the living.” Francis Weller - Author of ”The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief”
For many of us grief is something we turn away from yet so often, when we pay kind attention to the body… it remembers, or it asks us to remember. It holds both the knowing about what was lost and the key to its healing. Our task is to open a space and listen. This seven week course, for those who know Focusing, will open a space to explore these landscapes. It will offer us a sacred space to deeply listen to ourselves and each other in this transformative landscape.

Some of the themes we will explore:

  • The gatekeepers of grief - what keeps us away
  • The five gates of grief (from Francis Weller)
  • What the body knows about loss and healing
  • Tending grief in community

This course is not just about the grief of losing a loved one. We live with many kinds of grief and all are welcome here.

Open to anyone who has knows the basics of Focusing and Listening in paired practice.

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